Tuesday, 9 August 2011

my zine

My zine (comic) is very time consuming it takes quite a while to make a picture mostly the painting but that got quicker after one of the teachers showed me a quicker way of doing it.  But still I have only dun 3 out of  8 pages but other then that it looks great tho I wish I had decided on a quicker way of doing it instead of having to stay here from 9 till 7 trying to get it done.  But it will look great when it's done my comic is a red and brown  comic because my charaters main colour is red.

my zine ideas

my zine idea is more like a comic book i have a story i rout up and shortened it in to a comic the idea is to mack it a red and brown book.  I drew all the pitchers by tracing around other pitches then get real background mostly because it took to much time to drew it myself.  Every pitcher tacks quite a wheal to mack and is very time consuming I'm here from 9 to 7 five days a week just doing my comic and i have only dune three pages and am straiting my forth out of 8 with three days to complete it.  But despite that it's looking good.  That half page is meant to be connected to the first page but i made the first page over a inter A4 sheet without thinking.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Seraphine Pick

I found Seraphines painting stile to be quit strange.  I like who she can change from a realistic painting to fantasy tho i find her fantasy paintings to be rather crepe i pacifically like her realistic ones and how differently there painted to the others as if someone else had painted them.  I admire how she can change from one stile to anther.  And all her paintings are unplanned she starts unsure of how its going to pan out and adds on as she gos on.  Not thinking of the meaning behind it.  That is something i and I'm sure many others have trouble with over thinking and trying to explain the meaning be hind a pace of work.

Monday, 18 July 2011


 this is a illustration by Lesley Grainger it is a rather  sweet and very simple stile of text and image a blue painted back ground with what looks like flowers that a child has cut out and colored in and only one word on the painting nothing flash about it and it is not to cluttered.  This is a painting that i think is meant to inspire our young children. 

text and image

on our first day back at school we sore a power point could text and image.  It started with the earliest tip of text and image which was the bible.  Back in the early stiles of righting they used illuminated lettering which was  hand righting.  We then looked at a page of William Blake's book could Milton which is a novel of a poem to see a different stile of text and image the book has a image on one page and text on the other.  Another still of text and image is different album covers, magazine covers and different loge designs playing with text to mack it more interesting even adding hand righting to mack it more different to catch the publics eye and mack better sals.  Another thing that people use a little to much these days is sex sails even it has absolutely nothing to do with the merchandise.  Another thing about text and image is that different types of text is fashionably throe the time peered.  Even your children's first attempt at righting is a form of text and image.  These days text and image is all around us one women Jenny Holzer even projects righting on wales in times square her words rely mack you think "protect me from what i want"

Sunday, 19 June 2011

guest speaker

today we had a guest speaker Mark and he came to talk to my class about space but he mostly torked about buildings on of the termes he menchend was function.  The function of a building depens on what you you disingd the building.  Arckitechers haft to thingk adout wat the function of the buildings going to be an plan the disin to that function.  For example Mark torked about thes bildings they ons made couled modernist buildings.  Thes buildings wore ment to mack ever body they baleved that if people moved in to these homes that there lives would get insnly beter but that faild fast.  

Monday, 6 June 2011

Christ Redeemer

The scalpcher Christ the Redeemer was built in  Brazil in 1931.  In 1889 Brazil became a republic country which meant now laws about the separating of church and state so a group of people started a partition and tyred to get danishes and signatures of people how supported the aider of building the scalpcher.  The scalpcher is trying to indicate Christianity sins its a scalpcher of Jesus and he is in the pose of the christen cross, the arms open wide is meant to indicate peas.  I think the idea of creating this scalpcher was to bring back Christianity to Brazil.