Wednesday, 23 March 2011

The Mona Lisa

The Mona Lisa as everyone should well know was drawn by Leonardo Da Vinci between 1505-1514.  The woman sitting in this portrait is said to be La Gioconda a 24 year old Florentine woman but there has been some debate that the Mona Lisa was a series of sketches Leonardo had created over time or that it was a portrait of himself.  This painting without a doubt has to be the most famous painting around.  What makes it famous is her smile so faint and mysterious that you can't pinpoint her mood and the fact that she isn't looking straight ahead like she is distracted by something in the background and you start to wonder what that is.  This by far is not like normal portraits.
Leonardo Da Vinci was interested in capturing the inner thoughts and emotional responses of the human mind. Leonardo planned to show "the emotions of the mind" by placing his sitter in a beautiful landscape and focusing on such a mysterious facial expression.
I have always been fascinated by the Mona Lisa probably because it is so different from other paintings. I never could understand peoples' fascination on her smile so I guess you could say I was always fascinated because I thought it was kind of strange (bland).

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