Monday, 9 May 2011

Greorges Braque Man with guitar

abstract art is not an accurate copy of an image.  like this painting Man with guitar by Greorges Braque.  The image is mad of different parties, shapes  and unrealistic curlers making it very hard to mack out what is happening in the painting.  Abstract art is meant to get your attention and a emotional response from you which is why most abstract art is foll of bright curlers for example this painting man with guitar it has bright red and orange in the center to drow your eye and over power all the gray and green around it to mack the to figers stand out and often every things out of preposition like this painting which is made out of different shapes and the to figers look totally unrealistic.  Abstract artist drawer from the hart and sole instead of what you see is what you get.  Our liking for abstract things happened back wen the Vikings mad the Veins a small hand haled sculpture of a women but her body is way out of proportion shes missing arms you cant see her face and the rest of her body is huge showing that even back then we were interested in out of proportion things and our love for it has grown all our lives we seem to crate unrealistic paintings, drownings and scultures there was one period in 480BC wen the Greeks created a realistic scalper the Kritios Boy but soon after they finial accomplished their goal and created a realistic sculpture they changed it back to abstract sculptures.  We just seem to find real life art work to boring

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